Weather in Raowal
RAOWAL WEATHERRaowal’s weather and climate detail
Raowal village is located in Jagraon tehsil in Ludhiana district in Punjab. In our village Raowal weather change three to four times in a year .The three main seasons in Punjab, a state in northern India, are summer, monsoon, and winter.
Summer (March through June): In the village of Raowal this time of year is known for its high temperatures, which frequently reach over 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit). The warmest months are usually May and June. People endure hot, dry weather throughout this time with minimal rainfall and high levels of humidity. Heatwaves are common during the peak summer months, particularly in May and June, leading to discomfort and health concerns.
Monsoon (July to September): This period offers respite from the scorching summer heat. This is the year when Punjab receives a lot of rainfall, which is beneficial for agriculture as it replenishes groundwater levels and supports crop growth. But in some places, excessive rains can also cause flooding and waterlogging especially in low-lying areas and near rivers.
Post-Monsoon (October to November):
Transition Period: October and November mark a transition from the monsoon season to winter.
Pleasant Weather: Temperatures gradually begin to decrease, and the weather becomes more pleasant. Days are warm, and nights are cooler, making it an enjoyable time to explore the outdoors.
Winter (October to February): Winters in Punjab are cold, particularly in the northern regions and hilly areas. Foggy conditions are common during the winter months, especially in the mornings and evenings, which can affect visibility and travel.
Some parts of Punjab, especially the hilly areas like parts of Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir, may experience rainfall or snowfall during the winter months. In recent years, winter in Punjab has also been associated with air pollution due to the practice of crop residue burning, primarily in November. Raowal village experiences cool, sometimes very cold, winters, particularly in December and January. Lows of almost freezing can happen, along with occasional fog. The Rabi crop, commonly known as the winter crop, is harvested in the winter.
With various crops being grown and harvested at particular periods of the year, these seasons are essential to the region’s agricultural cycle. Remember that certain weather conditions can change from season to season. Please check weather forecasts for the most accurate and current information.
Learn more about the Weather
Punjab’s weather and climate are mainly affected by the Himalayas, the Thar Desert and the Arabian Sea. Punjab experiences a continental climate characterized by extreme temperatures and notable variations in precipitation throughout the year. Click on the “Read More” below to get more information about Punjabi Desi Months which are also connected to the weather